A history of work
These projects begin with my original practice of John Chaplin Design, based in my first office in the Woolston Public Library at 689 Ferry Rd for the late 70’s and 80’s, then as John Chaplin Architect following my registration in 1995 and the shift to the new office at 1091 Ferry Rd, now redesignated as 2 Humphreys Drive.
In 2004 I formed a new practice of Chaplin Crooks Architects with Stephen Crooks, an Architect who had begun working with me in the late 90’s and who, on that date became a fellow director and partner.
The projects are those in which I was personally involved in the design of, and most of the photo’s are those I have taken myself, with the exception of 3 or 4 which were professionally taken.
Its been an amazing adventure compiling these old photos and in many cases digitizing them from old tatty originals, and I am fortunate that I keep these photos and more importantly knew where to find them!!!
It is also appropriate that I acknowledge all the staff who have worked with me and helped me in the preparation of the documentation, particularly the CAD models and renders.